西藏那曲镇是全世界海拔最高、含氧量最稀薄、最后一个安装自来水的地级城市。那曲镇海拔高度为 45 0 0 m ,冻土层深达 2 .8m,地下水丰富 ,基础开挖超过 1m时就有地下水渗出 ,且土质多为流沙型 ,施工时容易引起塌方 ,施工环境恶劣。本文就那曲镇的具体情况介绍一下给水管道的安装及维修。
Naqu town in Tibet is a district level city, a city at tiptop elevation and in furthest rarefaction of oxygen-bearing quantity. It is also the last district level city which installed the tap water?Naqu town is 4500 m above sea level?Its frozen layer's deep is 2.8m and there has abundance groundwater. Groundwater may be exuded when bedrock excavating was exceed 1m.and its most soil category is quicksand. Therefore, collapse easily happens during construction and the environment is not good at construction. This paper introduces how to install and maintain service pipe in Naqu town.
Journal of Geological Hazards and Environment Preservation