通过对湘潭市区 3 5个地下水动态监测点 10余年监测发现 :地下水位出现了 10年来的最低位 ,总平均下降 0 .5 m;水温 10~ 2 4℃ ,最大变幅 2 .2~ 14 .0℃ ;水质有上半年达标、下半年下降的趋势 ;地下水诱发的灾害类型主要是地面塌陷。据此提出了限量开采、防止和降低地面水体污染、规范管理等保护地下水环境的对策。
Through monitoring 35 moving observation point for the groundwater in Xiangtan downtown, it is discovered that the groundwater table emerged at the lowest level during this ten years. The groundwater table decreases in 0.5 m at average; water temperature is from 10℃ to 24℃ and the biggest changing range is from 2.2 - 14℃. The water quality reaches to standard in the first half year and declines in the second half year; the main disaster type caused by groundwater is the ground subsidence. This paper brings up the strategy: limiting mining of the groundwater, preventing it from and reducing the surface water pollution, and enhancing management.
Journal of Geological Hazards and Environment Preservation