伊斯兰法与伊斯兰教法的产生、发展都离不开伊斯兰教这一现实的社会基础。尽管伊斯兰法和伊斯兰教法都以伊斯兰教的基本教义、精神为原则 ,它们二者在内容和形式上都有相近之处 ,但它们是一对既相联系又相区别的概念。简单地说 ,伊斯兰教法是伊斯兰法的主要内容 ,它只是伊斯兰法的一部分 ;伊斯兰教法的内容都可以归属于伊斯兰法 ,而伊斯兰法的内容却并非仅能归属于伊斯兰教法 。
The emergence and development of the law of Isl am and the Islamic law are closely related to Islamism, that is, their social foun dation. Though both follow the principle of Islamic spirit and basic doctrines a nd are similar in content and in form, they are different concepts. In short, th e Islamic law is a part and the main content of the law of Islam, while the latt er covers a wider range of conception.
Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)