作者测定了灭幼脲对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia adoriphaga Yang et Zhang不同龄期幼虫及预蛹和蛹毒力,结果表明:低龄幼虫对灭幼脲最敏感,随着龄期的增加敏感性降低,4龄幼虫的LC50是2龄幼虫的2.13倍,预蛹对灭幼脲的敏感性强,蛹对灭幼脲的敏感性低,田间试验结果表明:20%灭幼脲悬浮剂667m2用量600~800mL加水灌根,可较好地控制该虫危害,且持效期可长达90d.明显优于常规农药辛硫磷和乐斯本的防治效果.
The activity of dichlorbenzuron against the different instar larvae ? prepupa and pupa of Bradysia adoriphaga were tested.The results showed that the low instar larvae was high susceptible to dichlorbenzuron.The susceptibility was diceased with the increase of instar.The LC 50 value of the4th instar larvae was2.13times as that of the2rd instar larvae.T he prepupa was more susceptible,but the pupa was lower.The results of the test i n field were that Bradysia adoriphaga was controlled above90days with600~800mL d ichlorbenzuron20SC root irrigated after dilution with water.The control effect w as superior to some common pesticides,such as phoxim and chlorpyrifos.
Pesticide Science and Administration