Effects of electrical stimulation and lesion of nucleus locus coeruleus ( LC ) on the spontaneous discharge of neurons in nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis ( NGC ) and their responses to noxious pinch stimulation were observed in light chloral hydrate anesthetized rats. The results were as follows.(1) In the 143 recorded units of NGC, there were 63 nociceptive neurons, 12 convergent neurons and 68 nonnociceptive neurons. Among the 63 nociceptive neurons,one third was nociception-inhibitory neurons and two thirds were nociception-excitatory neurons.(2) No discharges of most nonnociceptive and convergent neurons were influenced by LC stimulation. Either electrical stimulation of ipsilateral or contrala-teral LC inhibited nociceptive responses of 64% and 68% NGCnociceptive neurons respectively.(3) After LC lesion, spontaneous discharges of 45% (5/11) NGC neurons facilitated and nociceptive responses of 67% ( 4/6 ) NGC neurons increased too. The inhibition of LC stimulation on nociceptive responses disappeared when LC had been lesioned ,This work indicates that LC has inhibitory influences on some NGC nociceptive neurons.The role of NGC and LC in antinociception are discussed
Basic and Clinical Medicine
locus coeruleus nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis spontaneous discharge nociceptive response