根据系统可控性和可观测性理论 ,通过对控制系统中元 (部 )件冗余性、冗余度的分析 ,研究故障系统可容错的条件 ,对稳压器压力控制系统进行可容错性定量分析 ;通过分析控制系统的部件对系统的静态性能、动态性能的影响程度 ,容错控制系统的部件重要度分析 ,确定引起控制系统故障的关键部件。
According to the controllability and observability theory of the system and based on the analysis of the redundancy of the components in the control system, the fault-tolerant condition in the failure system were discussed and used for a quantitative fault-tolerant analysis for the pressure control system in a pressurizer. Through an analysis of the effects of each component on the system′s static and dynamic characteristics and the importance of the components in the fault-tolerant control system, the key components causing the failure of the control system can be diag nosed.
Journal of Thermal Science and Technology