白背飞虱在早稻具有迁入早、虫量上升快、数量大 ,在水稻前、中期猖獗危害等特点。白背飞虱暴发时 ,二代若虫高峰期虫量与 4月份成虫迁入量和迁入频次呈极显著正相关 ,据此建立了发生程度预测式 ,经验证 ,1990~2 0 0 2年平均预测准确率达 92 .7%。同时根据早稻白背飞虱的发生特点 ,制定出了“重点监测 ,治二压三”的防治策略和与之相配套、行之有效的防治控制技术。
Whitebacked plant hopper has the characterizes of early migrating, quick rising number and severe damage at earlier and middle stages of early season rice. The nymph number of second generation in peak hour was correlated significantly and positively with the migrating number and frequency of the adult. In terms of this, a forecast formula of emergence grade was established. The mean of forecast accuracy reached 92.7% during 1990~2002. According to the characters of the pest catastrophe, the strategies of monitoring and focal control on the second and third generations of the insect with effective techniques have been set up.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences