岳阳市洞庭湖区水稻土 2 0 0 1年与 1993年相比 ,土壤有机质、碱解氮的平均值上升 9 3 %、4 3 % ,有效磷、有效钾的平均值下降 2 6%、2 7%。施用有机肥和稻稻肥及稻稻油耕作制 ,有利于土壤有机质含量的增加。磷钾肥用量偏低 ,不利于土壤有效磷、有效钾含量的积累。提高有机肥施用比例 ,平衡施用氮磷钾肥 ,坚持稻稻肥和稻稻油轮作 ,是提高土壤肥力的有效途径。
Pressent organic matter and available N have incr ea sed 9.3% and 4.3%. but available P & K have decreased 2.6% and 2.7% than the lev els in 1993. Using organic fertilizer and applying the rice-rice-manure and rice -rice-rape cropping system are helpful for raising the contents of organic matte r in paddy soil, meanwhile, the low applying amount of P & K is not beneficial t o the accumulation of available P,K in paddy soil. Raising the using proportion of organic fertilizer, Applying N.P.K balancedly and upholding the cropping sys tem of rice-rice-manure, rice-rice-rape are effective ways of improving fertilit y of paddy soil.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences