目的 建立双相紫外分光光度法同时定量测定盐酸普鲁卡因及其分解产物对氨基苯甲酸 (PABA)。方法 根据普鲁卡因和PABA的不同溶解性 ,将盐酸普鲁卡因注射液置于水和氯仿组成的双相中。分布平衡后 ,分别在 2 6 5 5、2 96 5nm处测定紫外吸光度。结果 盐酸普鲁卡因和PABA线性范围分别是 5~ 2 5mg(r=0 9999)和 2 0~ 80 0 μg·ml-1 (r=0 9999)。盐酸普鲁卡因的回收率为 99 97% ,RSD =0 35 % ;PABA为 1 0 0 1 4 % ,RSD =0 4 6 %。结论 双相紫外分光光度法具有设备简单、操作便捷的优点 。
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for quantitative analysis of procaine hydrochloride and its decomposed product p -aminobenzoic acid(PABA) simultaneously.METHODS Considering the different solubility between procaine and PABA-Na,procaine hydrochloride injection was put into dual phaso system made up of water and chloroform.After the system reaching equilibrium,procaine in chloroform was detected at wavelength 296.5 nm,and PABA in water was done at 265.5 nm.RESULTS The linear range of procaine hydrochloride was 5-25 mg( r =0.9999),and that of PABA was 20-800 μg( r = 0.9999 ),The average recovery were 99.97%( RSD =0 35%, n =5) and 100 14%( RSD =0 46%, n =5), respectively.CONCLUSION Dual-phase UV spectrophotometry has advantage such as simple instrument and easy operation. particularly,it is suitable for the quantitative analysis of multicomponents with deferent quantity concentrations or special absorption coefficient.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences