采用文献资料法、调查访问法、录像资料统计法和数理统计法等方法对第 34届世锦赛、第 2 7届奥运会和第九届全会运体操比赛的部分中外运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度及完成情况进行了统计分析 ,并与中国男女队进行了对比研究。结果表明 :我国男子体操队的实力在短时间内仍保持领先地位 ,女子团体暂时还缺乏夺金的实力。中国男子体操队和女子体操队不乏全能型选手 ,但他们都存在弱项。中国男队在各单项上都存在夺金的实力 ,但力量素质、动作稳定性和心理能力有待提高。另外 ,近几年我国体操训练人口逐年下降 ,后备力量严重不足 ,女子强项高低杠有滑坡趋势 ,男子单杠与世界强队距离拉大等现象 ,如果不加以正视 ,2 0 0 4年雅典奥运会体操赛我国体操成绩将难再现悉尼奥运会的辉煌。
By the means of documentary,investigation and video statistics,etc,the author compare the result,movement difficulty and performance of Chinese teams with other powerful teams in the recently three international and internal Gymnastics Competition.The result shows that the strength of Chinese man's team still keep ahead,but there is a large gap on Chinese Woman's team.The Chinese team has many all round gymnasts,but they all have the weak event.Chinese gymnasts have the ability to win the golden medal in individual event.They need to improve their stability of movement and psychological quality.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
广州体育学院 2 0 0 1年院管重点课题 (项目批准号 :0 1ZD0 0 9)