目的 提高对女性生殖道复发性尖锐湿疣的治愈率 ,减少复发。方法 对 4 7例经 5 0 %三氯醋酸或二氧化碳激光治疗失败的女性生殖道复发性尖锐湿疣患者采用γ干扰素于病变局部和 (或 )肌肉注射配合 5 0 %三氯醋酸和 (或 )激光治疗。结果 30例病变累及外阴及阴道者 3周治愈 ;16例病变累及宫颈者 4~ 6周治愈 ;1例 4个月治愈。 4 7例随访 2年以上 ,均无复发。结论 γ干扰素局部注射治疗尖锐湿疣安全、有效 ,不良反应小 ,价格低廉 ,可防止复发。
Objective To improve the cure rate and to decrease the rate of recurrence of refractory female genital condyloma acuminata.Methods 47 female refractory genital condyloma acuminata were failed by the treatment of 50% trichloralacetic acid and local carbon dioxide laser.Gamma interferon was given locally and/or intramuscularly with 50% trichloralacetic acid and/or carbon dioxide laser locally.Results 30 patients were cured in 3 weeks,16 patients involving the uterine cervix were cured within 4~6 weeks,and 1 patient was cured within 4 months.All cases were followed up over 2 year without any recurrence.Conclusions Local application of gamma interferon is an effective,safe and low cost approach for the treatment in condyloma acuminata.It can also prevent the recurrence.
Beijing Medical Journal