Kale Marx has pointed out that the extent of women liberation indicated the degree of social improving. In literary of 19th century the concerning towards women was the accumulation and distillation of modern humanitarianism. Shalote Brount was much earlier conscious of women concerning, anxiety, experience and self- value, she was also the earliest who describe women as independent people, it is advanced in 19th century. This article disserted Shalote Brout s women consciousness mainly in two respects: A. Women education and economical independence;B. The relations between mail and femail. We can summarize the women consciousness core and essence of Shalote Brount as canonize independence and dignity of women personality, realize self - vaoue, and seek for harmonious sexual relations in equality sense. We have to point out: The highest object of women consciousness development is also the highest object of human being: The all- round realize of human value.
Journal of Suihua Teachers College