本文描述了专家系统中的一种模糊推理模型FURM。通过对领域专家的认识的模糊性的分析和研究,我们提出一种表示人的模糊认识的三元组,这种三元组从定性、定量和自信度等三个方面,分层次地将人的头脑中的模糊认识较完整地表示出来,在FURM的不确定性推理中,我们提出一种基于Goguen逻辑的模糊语言逻辑的推理方法,较好地模拟了领域专家的模糊推理过程。 FURM已经在我们研制的“中国内生金矿床资源评价专家系统”中得以使用。目前,就已经运行的实例来看,其结果与领域专家的观点吻合。
A fuzzy reasoning model FURM for expert systems is described in this paper. A kind of triad to represent the fuzzy cognition of human beings were presented which represents the fuzzy cognition in one's mind from the qualitative, quantitative and self-confident aspects. A reasoning method of the fuzzy linguistic logic based on Goguen logic were introduced to simulate the fuzzy reasoning process.This fuzzy reasoning model has been applied to an expert system for the appraisal of endo-gentic gold deposite resources in China, as the core of this system. The system is on trial with instances at present, and the results from the instances are perfectly consistant with the views of domain experts.
Chinese Journal of Computers