对 15所 5 4位蒙古族中学英语教师的随机分层整群抽样模式的调查表明 :绝大多数英语教师能够运用英语视听教学设备进行教学 ,能较好地完成英语教学工作。但也存在英语教师年龄偏轻 ,教龄短 ,男女教师比例不均 ,学历合格率低 ,专业不对口 ,职称低于普通汉族中学等问题。今后应解决在课程设置及教材建设方面存在的问题 ,大力培养和充实高素质的蒙古族英语教师 ,改进教学方法 ,加强科研意识 ,加强人才培养基地建设 ,加强多边联系 ,促进和全面提高蒙古族中学英语教师的专业素质。
An investigation conducted through random stratified sampling among fifty four English teachers in fifteen Mongolian middle schools shows that the majority of the English teachers are capable of using audio visual aids in their English teaching. The existing problems of the English teachers are: unbalanced ratio of male and female teachers, low level of educational background, lack of match between job and specialty, being rather young in age, inexperienced in teaching, and lower in professional ranks than teachers of Chinese middle schools. Efforts should be made to solve the problems in curriculum design and teaching material compiling; train more high quality Mongolian English teachers; improve teaching methods; reinforce awareness of scientific research; build talents training base; increase multi sides communication and raise professional quality of the English teachers of the Mongolian middle schools in an all round way. [
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
1999- 2 0 0 0年全国基础教育外语教学研究资助项目 99GJWYY