中央民族大学是中国面向 2 1世纪重点建设的 10 0所大学之一 ,肩负着培养各民族高级人才的重任 ,但近年来所培养的研究生不论是数量上还是质量上 ,与社会需求和中央民族大学所处地位相比还存在较大差距 ,存在诸多方面的限制因素 ,包括生源质量、招生政策、培养方式、语言转换等 ,应从招生、培养和学位论文等方面 。
CUN, as one of the one hundred key universities of China in the 21 st century, shoulders the heavy task of training high quality talents of different ethnic minorities. However, over the past few years, the graduates trained in CUN, either in number or in quality, can not meet the needs of the society and can hardly match up with the position of CUN. There are many limiting factors involved, including the level of the new students, enrollment policy, training pattern, and language switching. Relevant solutions should be adopted concerning enrollment, training and dissertations. [
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities