电能消耗在港口装卸作业综合总耗能种类中占有大部分比例 ,而这些电耗绝大部分消耗在各种交流异步电动机上。变频调速技术具有节能、自动化、提高装卸效率和质量、减少维修量、降低劳动强度等优良性能及显著优势。本文就变频调速技术的原理、性能、特点在港口电动装卸机械的实际应用进行探索 。
The comsumption of electric energy owns most rate in comprehensive total comsumption of a harbour handling work,while the comsumpt of electric energy mostly consume in all kinds of AC asynchronous motors .The frequency control technology has excellent properties and marked superiority of energy-saving,automation,increasing load and unload efficiency and quality,decreasing maintenance,reducing labour intensity etc.,The paper explores about practical use for the frequency control technology principle,performance,characteristic in a port motor-driven load and unlond mechinery,and discusses and analyzes a converter problems in practical use,espesially in the problems of raising constracture.
Electric Switchgear