采用自订的求医方式问卷对三家医院心理咨询门诊的来访者进行不记名调查 ,结果显示 :来访者以具有高中至大学文化的年青人居多 ,首次就诊在起病后二年内 ,近 80 %的人被冠以心理障碍、抑郁症、神经官能症的诊断 ,约 4 6 %的人首选综合医院就诊 ,88%的人自付医疗费 ,5 0 %的人希望采用心理治疗 ,社会对患者疾病的认可度较低。笔者认为 :上述求医行为方式反映了心理困扰者所面临的社会及医疗现状 ,具有一定的代表性。
The authors invesigate 133 outpatients who come from three counseling clinics with a seeking medical model questionnaire the most patient are younger with senior high school or university education Their first seeking medical behaves is in first two years of the illness Their first choose is general hospital 80% patient's diagnosis are 'psychological disorder','depression','neurasthenic' 88% patients pay medical fee at their own expenses 50% patients need psychological therapy Common people just have lower identify with the illness these results really reflect social and medical conditions of this kind of patient They need more efficacious medical and psychological service,better social support as well as
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health