通过分析高师体育函授专业课程的现状 ,探讨了专业课程的改革思路和发展趋势。即主动适应国家全日制义务教育 ,体育与健康课程标准的实施需要 ,在继承和发展原有专业课程设置的基础上 ,增加小型化、专题化、即时性、实用性的等新兴学科课程设置 。
Through analysis of the present situation of normal institute sports correspondence event related course,this article studies the methods of reforming the event related courses and the developing tendency. The sports correspondence event related courses should meet the needs of the national full time schooling and the implementation of sports and health course standards. By keeping the original courses,establishment of smaller,topic related,spontaneous and practical courses should be reinforced.
Journal of Sports Adult Education