与NCAA联赛相比 ,CUBA联赛的基层预赛所普遍采用的赛会制时间跨度短、比赛场次少 ,同时剥夺了多数院校的主场机会 ,未能真正体现基层预赛作为联赛基础的重要性 ;CUBA联赛分区赛存在名额太少、各分区缺乏交流的机会以及强队过于集中等缺陷 ,制约着联赛的深入开展 ,而NCAA64强赛赛制科学、合理 ,为各队提供了公平竞争的机会。建议借鉴NCAA联赛的经验 。
Compared with NCAA,the period between the regular season games of CUBA is shorter. And there are less games. Therefore,most institutes or universities do not have a chance to host the games. It is hard to demonstrate the importance of the regular season games as the basis for the leagues. For CUBA regional games,the mumber of teams is not enough. Moreover,the exchanges between the teams are scarce. And sometimes there are too many strong teams in the regional games. As for NCAA64,it is more scientific and reasonable and can give equal chance to every team. The CUBA league system should be reformed in view of the experiences of NCAA.
Journal of Sports Adult Education