
118例SARS患者胸部X线表现分析 被引量:14

Analysis of chest X-ray manifestations in 118 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome
摘要 目的 :总结严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)的胸部 X线表现特点及变化规律。方法 :分析 118例经临床确诊的 SARS患者胸部 X线显示肺部病变出现的时间、部位、范围及影像学特点 ,以及与临床表现的关系。结果 :99.2 %的患者在病程中胸部 X线显示有肺部病变 ,79.7%的患者在发病后 4 d内 X线胸片显示肺部病变 ;5 2 .5 %的患者为双肺、多肺叶病变 ;7例死亡病例的肺部病变出现早 ,而且累及范围广、病情进展快。结论 :肺部病变出现越早、范围越广、进展越快 ,临床症状越重 ,预后差。 Objective: To investigate the chest Xray features and kinetic changes in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Methods: The appearing time, site, range and imaging features of pulmonary lesions in chest radiograms were observed in 118 patients with clinically confirmed SARS treated in our hospital. Meanwhile, their relation to clinical manifestations was also evaluated. Results: Abnormal image appeared in the radiogram in 99.2% of the patients, and it was found in 79.7% of the patients within 4 days after onset of SARS. Lesions in both lungs and multilobe pathological changes were noted in 52.2 % of the patients. In severn nonsurvivors, the lesions were included multilung lobes, revealing earlier appearance and faster progression compared with the others. Conclusion: The more serious clinical symptoms and poor prognosis are found in patients with earlier appearance, larger scope and faster progression of SARS lesions in the chest radiogram.
出处 《中国危重病急救医学》 CAS CSCD 2003年第6期338-342,共5页 Chinese Critical Care Medicine
关键词 严重急性呼吸综合征 胸部影像学表现 诊断 预后判断 severe acute respiratory syndrome chest radiogram diagnosis prognosis
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