造血干细胞资料库实际上是由多个部门组成的综合体 ,涉及面广 ,建库需要一些基本设施和经费。募集捐献者和资料保存以及利用是资料库建设的两大内容。本文通过文献复习和系统综述的方法 ,探讨了这两方面存在的问题和解决策略。志愿者招募受到社会人口特征、知识、态度、以及个人的经历等因素和文化背景的影响。利用受到适用指征争议、定额配给制和资源缺乏的影响。
The Stem Cell Donor Registry Program actually comprised multiple sectors. Issues of Donor recruitment and the storage and usage of related information were main themes of the program. This paper discussed issues related to both themes by literature review and systematic review methods. The recruitment was affected by such factors as social-demographic features, knowledge, attitudes, personal experiences and the culture background. The application was influenced by argument of indications, the ration system, and the scarcity of resources.
Soft Science of Health