造血干细胞捐献登记是为需要骨髓移植病人找到合适HLA配型的有效途径。本文通过网络检索和文献复习的方法获取数据 ,分析了国际造血干细胞捐献者资料库的现状。结果显示 ,捐献者登记人数逐年上升 ,不同地区存在较大差异 ,其中北美和欧洲有着较好的基础。
Stem cell donor registry is the effective way for searching HLA matched donors for patients needed to transplant bone marrow In this paper,the data was captured by internet retrieval and literature review The situation of international stem cell donor program was analyzed It was revealed that the total number of registered donors increased by years and there were relatively differences among various areas,of which, the North America and Europe had comparably good foundation
Soft Science of Health