从线性规划模型解的存在性分析 ,线性规划模型存在“有解”和“无解”两种情况 .“有解”指有最优解 ,即有可能存在唯一最优解也有可能存在无穷多最优解 ;“无解”即无可行解或存在无界解 (无最优解 ) .唯一最优解、无穷多最优解。
Linear Programming model solution can have two options: 'No Solution' in which there is likely to be no feasible Solution or unbounded solution and 'optimal solution' in which there is likely the sole ones or the numberless ones. To decide which one should choose among the no feasible, the unbounded, the sole, the numberless is the major part of obtaining solutions.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)