
青海东部黄牛乳中四种乳蛋白的多态性 被引量:1

Polymorphism of four milk proteins in milk of Qinghai east yellow cattle
摘要 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对 1 4 8头青海东部黄牛乳中四种乳蛋白的多态性进行了研究。结果发现 :①α 乳白蛋白 ,β 乳球蛋白 ,αs1 酪蛋白和 β 酪蛋白都存在多态性 ;②四种乳蛋白的平均有效等位基因数为 1 2 95 4个 ,平均基因杂合度为 0 2 0 1 2 ,平均基因均质度指数为0 65 98;③在青海东部黄牛的αs1 CN基因座上发现一个新的等位基因αs1 CNE 以及罕见等位基因αs1 CND 。 Qinghai east yellow cattle were used to investigate the polymorphism of four milk proteins in the milk by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis The results were as follows:① There was the polymorphism on the loci of four milk proteins including α lactalbumin, β lactoglobulin, α s1 casein and β casein ② The average number of effective alleles, the average gene heterozygosity and the average gene homozygosity index were 1 2954, 0 2012 and 0 6598, resp ③ A new α s1 CN E allele and a rare α s1 CN D allele were discovered in the Qinghai east yellow cattle examined
作者 张才骏
机构地区 青海大学
出处 《青海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第2期26-29,共4页 Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)
关键词 黄牛 Α-乳白蛋白 β—乳球蛋白 αal-酪蛋白 β—酪蛋白 αal-CN^E等位原因 αal-CN^D等位基因 Yellow cattle α lactalbumin β lactoglobulin α s1 casein β casein α s1 CN E allele α s1 CN D allele
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