本文研究了北极巴罗 (Barrow)地区 1 2种冻原植物的花粉形态 ,它们的形状有球形、近球形、扁球形茧形和四合体型 ,其萌发孔有三孔沟、三沟、二合沟以及散孔等类型。花粉具辐射对称和两侧对称两种类型。这些花粉的植物体是北极冻原地区常见的植物 ,分属于 1 2个科 ,除 3种为小灌木外 ,大多数为多年生或一年生草本植物。这些冻原植物花粉形态的研究为恢复北极地区古植被和古气候的研究 ,提供了有价值的对比资料和依据。
Barrow is located in the northeast of Alaskan coastal plain (71°21' N, 156°40' W),which is encircled by the Chukchi Sea in the west and the Beaufort Sea in the north. Thus, it is considered to be a key region for studying the land ocean interaction related to climatic and environmental changes. Climatically, Barrow is a quite cold area with the mean annual temperature of -12.4°C and the mean winter and summer temperatures ranges between -29°C and 2°C. Mean annual precipitation is less than 250mm/a.Under cooperative arrangement between Chinese Academy of Science and the North Slope Borough, Alaska, Zhang Qingsong and Tang Lingyu, two of the authors of this paper made a four week field investigation at Barrow from May to June, 1998. During the expedition, 31 plants,26 pollen surface samples were collected in the tundra and drilled in Elson Lagoon and small lakes. The persent article deals with pollen morphology of tundra plants from Barrow area . Investigation on pollen grains from 12 species belonging to 12 genera and 11 families shows that 6 types of aperture are found and may be summarized as follows: 3 colpate; 3 colporate; 3 colpoidorate; 6 colporate; Pantoporate and Teraheroporate.
Chinese Journal of Polar Research
中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冰芯与寒区环境开放实验室课题 (BX2 0 0 1 0 1 )
国家自然科学基金 ( 4 9971 0 78)项目