本文收集了我国各省主要珍稀野生动物(国家一、二级野生动物)的分布状况以及少数民族地区内民族的分布状况.通过地理信息系统软件Arcview3 2绘制成图,通过绘制的中国主要珍贵濒危动物分布图、权重后的珍惜野生动物分布图,以及中国少数民族自治地区(州、县)的民族分布图,可以看出在民族成份聚集的边疆省份,其野生动物资源也相应较多.文章最后还论述了少数民族地区的各族人民保护和利用野生动物资源的重要性.
The data of the distribution of rare wild animals and minorities in China have been collected in this paper. We have three map with all the data of the distribution with the software Arcview 32 of geographical information system (GIS). From the maps, we can see that the distribution of rare wild animals is largely correlated with the distribution of minorities. It is very important to strengthen the reasonable protection and utilization of rare wild animals in the regions where the number of minorities are high.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Natural Sciences Edition)