本文对轨道交通用直流牵引电缆的使用环境、特性和相关技术要求作了介绍 ,并对国内外直流牵引电缆的结构、材料使用、性能要求、试验方法进行了分析 ,对研制的直流牵引电缆进行了试验和鉴定。最后 ,文章建议尽快制订直流牵引电缆行业标准 ,以适应我国城市轨道交通的高速发展需要。
The application, characteristics and related technical requirements of DC traction cable for rail traffic were presented. Comparisons were made between the cables produced in China and in foreign countries respecting their construction, materials used, performance requirements and test methods. The developed DC traction cable for rail traffic was tested and assessed. Finally, a suggestion was put forward to prepare as soon as possible industry standards for DC traction cable for rail traffic so as to cope with the rapid development of urban rail traffic business in China.
Wire & Cable