提出了一种新的基于图形数据库的变量化设计方法。该方法利用AutoCAD图形数据库的存储功能 ,在借鉴传统参数化设计方法的基础上 ,建立了更广泛的变量概念 ,自动处理过约束和欠约束问题。用户通过变量关联尺寸信息、图素信息和约束信息 ,从而控制图形的拓扑结构。并介绍了据此方法 ,利用ObjectARX与VC ++环境所开发的空军军械保障装备变量化CAD系统结构。该系统与传统参数化系统相比 。
A kind of new variabilized designing method based on grap hi c database was put forward.Utilizing momory function of graphic database in Auto CAD and on the basis of using the designing method of traditional paramerized d esign for reference,this method established more extensive concepts of variable and delt with automatically the problems of over-constraint and less-restraint.T hus the users could control the topologic structure of graphs through informatio ns of related dimensions of variables,informations of graphical elements and con strains.According to this method,an introduction is made on parameterized CAD sy stem structures for ensuring equipments of air force ordance developed by utiliz ing environments of ObjectARX and VC++.This system possesses more larger flexibility and degree of freedom in the design.
Journal of Machine Design
空军装备部资助项目 (KJ992 99)