2D数字压力阀是采用阀芯的双运动自由度设计的导控型压力阀。该阀由阻尼管型的液压桥路和旋转自由度构成阀的导控级 ,控制着一个阀腔的压力 ,该压力与反馈到另一个阀腔的压力进行比较 ,所产生的不平衡力驱动阀芯线性运动从而改变阀口的大小 ,使的阀的出口压力与液压桥路的输出压力保持定值比例关系 ,并且不随阀口输出流量的变化而变化。阀芯的旋转运动由数字接口驱动 ,该数字接口由执行元件——步进电动机及数字阀控制器组成。控制器的核心部分为跟踪算法 ,该算法可以使步进电动机的输出角位移连续可控 。
The 2D pressure control valve is a piloted pressure control valve designed with two motions of a single spool. The rotary motion combining a hydraulic bridge forms the pilot stage of the valve to control the pressure of a spool chamber, while another spool chamber is directly connected to the load pressure. The hydraulic bridge (pilot stage) is developed with the concept of pressure linear distribution along a damping pipe under small Reynolds Number and has a significant effect on both the static and dynamic characteristics of the valve. The rotary motion of the spool is actuated by a digital electrical-to-mechanical interface. The interface is mainly composed of a stepper motor connected to the valve as an actuator through a proper coupling and a digital valve controller which is basically a one-chip computer system. The core part of the controller for the stepper motor is an algorithm which will keep the stepper motor under continuous control. In this way the quantitative accuracy and the response of the valve are simultaneously sustained.
国家自然科学基金 (5 0 0 75 0 82 )
浙江省教委基金资助 (2 0 0 1 0 737)