对影响FDI对东道国行业内溢出效应的行业要素的探讨是国际上这一研究领域的重要议题。在充分借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上 ,我们利用我国 84个四位码行业的数据 ,对“技术差距”、“资本密集度”以及“行业集中度”这些被普遍重视的行业因素进行了经验研究。研究结果表明 ,“技术差距”是影响FDI对我国行业内溢出效应的最直接的、也是最重要因素之一 ;相比之下 ,“资本密集度”以及“行业集中度”对我国FDI溢出效应的影响只有在与技术差距共同考察时才会反映出来。
Research on intra-industry FDI spillover has been vigorous for several decades, and the certain industry features that might influence FDI spillover are among the hottest discussion. Based on 84 four-digital industry data in China, we completed a comparable empirical test on the industry features such as “technology gap',“capital intensity' and “Herfindahl', the most frequently examined items in previous research worldwide. The results indicate that technology gap is one of the most important industry features that have obvious influence on FDI spillover in China. Beside, the effects from capital intensity and Herfindahl can be observed when we combined them with technology gap.
Journal of Financial Research