国家利益是国际政治学中的基本概念 ,它是一个国家制定对外政策的主要依据和决定因素。国家利益既有客观性又有主观性。国家利益的客观性是指国家赖以生存和延续的基本条件 ,它主要包括生存、独立 (自由 )、经济财富和国家尊严四个方面。国家利益这四个方面形成了客观国家利益 ,客观国家利益是一个国家对外政策的客观限制因素 ,客观国家利益的内涵随历史条件的变化而变化。国家利益的主观性是指国家对客观国家利益及其实现方式的认识。由于历史背景和文化价值观的不同 ,每个国家所追求的具体的国家利益是千差万别的。客观国家利益是以丰富多彩的形式得以表现和实现的。主观国家利益建立在客观国家利益的基础之上 ,是由文化建构而成的。国家的实力和地位不能决定国家利益的具体内容和追求目标 ,只能决定国家为实现国家利益所采取的手段。从国家利益的主观性和客观性两方面研究国家利益使我们既能看到国家利益的共性 ,也能看到国家利益的特殊性。
National interest,a fundamental concept in international politics and the substantial basis and determining factor in foreign policy making,is both objective and subjective.The objectivity refers to the common and essential elements which are needed for nations to act as'nations'in the world.Physical survival,autonomy,economic well-being,and national dignity constitute the objective national interests.The subjectivity of national interest refers to how states recognize and approach their national interests.Subjective national interests are built upon the objective national interests and constructed by the respective national cultures.Since each nation has its own culture,subjective national interests vary from one nation to another.However,it is the objective national interests that set limits on what states can do in their foreign policy.National power and its position in the world cannot explain a nation's strategic goals,but they can determine the means by which a nation pursues its aims.Studies from the perspective of the objectivity and subjectivity of national interest help us to understand the universality and particularity of the foreign policy of nations.
World Economics and Politics