本文以国际劳工组织有关标准为依据 ,比较了世界主要发达国家和国际组织关于失业率的定义 ,探讨了失业率的含义和测度失业的困难 ,讨论了中国的失业统计和城镇失业率。根据第五次人口普查资料 ,2 0 0 0年中国城镇失业率高达 8.2 7%。鉴于中国目前仍然缺乏一个可用于国际比较的调查失业率 ,文章在最后分析了这一普查失业率数字是否高估或低估了中国城镇真实的失业水平。
Based on the definition of unemployment by ILO (International Labor Organization), this paper compares the difference in defining the unemployment rate by different developed countries and international organizations, explores the difficulties in measuring unemployment, discusses China's employment statistics and urban unemployment. The 2000 Census data suggest an urban unemployment rate of 8.27% in China, but it is not a statistic that can be compared internationally because it is not calculated from a labor survey following the international standards on unemployment. The paper analyses to what extent the urban unemployment rate from the census can reflect the reality of unemployment in urban China.
The Journal of World Economy