在单片机组成的多机系统中 ,因 87C5 5 2具有 I2 C总线 ,从而可以构成非主从式的多主机系统 ,即 ,系统中的每个单片机都可以是主机。对单片机之间要用较长电缆相连的多机系统 ,通过修正 87C5 5 2中 I2 C总线的相关总线状态服务程序 ,就可采用 MAX4 85接口芯片来解决长距离传输的可靠性 ,实现“长线”多主机系统。
Because there is I 2C bus in 87C552 chip microcomputer , it is possible to constitute the non master slave system ,namely the multi master processor system, in which each chip microcomputer can act as the master. For those multi processor system whose chip microcomputers connect with each other through the long cable, we can use MAX485 interface chip to deliver the data reliably and realize the 'long line' multi master processor system by reforming the related state service program of the I 2C bus in 87C552.
Electronic Engineer