十进制码 (BCD)与二进制代码相互转换的问题的研究 ,主要偏重于软件实现 .本文基于数制变换的基本原理 ,提出了移位为基础的、适合硬件实现的转换算法 .并根据该算法 ,构造了 6 3位二进制与十进制代码的转换器 .同时 ,对该算法又进行了扩充 ,提出基 2 r 移位的算法 ,进一步提高性能 .从性能的比较可以看出 ,该算法速度高 ,逻辑简单 ,非常适合实时性要求较强的嵌入式领域应用 .
It appears many real time applications with conversion delay between binary and decimal algorithms is a bottleneck of system performance.This paper introduces a kind of shift based algorithm in order to shorten this delay with minimum cost.Based on the principle of data representation of binary and decimal algorithms,both binary to decimal and decimal to binary algorithms are deduced mathematically in equation. They are featured as converting data value through shift operation.Double of BCD,constructed to be Logic N,is atomic operation of binary to decimal bit shifting conversion and half of BCD,constructed to be Logic M,is one of reverse conversion.Without carrying propagation froLogic M N to Logic N or froLogic M M to Logic M,the conversion speed only depends on the longest combinatorial path of Logic N or M.These radix 2 r algorithms,i.e.by one bit shift per cycle,is expanded to radix 2 r algorithms,i.e.by multi bit shift per cycle,to accelerate the conversion speed further.Finally,it shows that the shift based algorithms are much faster than other algorithms by comparisons of these conversion algorithms.
Acta Electronica Sinica