海明威在《老人与海》中运用其“冰山理论”的创作原则 ,处理人与自然斗争的这一重大题材 ,赋予这一题材以丰富的象征意义 ,使小说表现出的主题远远超出题材本身的内涵 ,表现了更广大的思想空间。小说以其独特的语言风格、精湛的写作技巧、生动的描写 ,把无限的意蕴寓于有限的表象形式中 ,使作品充满着对有限的超越 ,对无限的神往。主要分析并探讨这部小说及象征意义及语言特色。
In 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Hemingway, we can see how he deals with the tremendous subject of the struggle between man and nature, using unique language style, beautiful writing skills, vivid descriptions and the writing principle of 'Iceberg'. Hemingway symbolizes the subject, and thus the theme gives beyond the connotation of the story itself, and provides much room for thinking. This essay analyses and discusses mainly the symbolic meanings of the novel and its linguistic features.