目的 :介绍急性心肌梗死溶栓药物的研发进展 ,并评价其临床疗效和安全性。方法 :通过查阅国内、外有关急性心肌梗死溶栓药物的文献进行评述。结果与结论 :溶栓仍是急性心肌梗死的主要治疗措施。至于何种溶栓剂疗效更好 ,仍需进一步的研究证明 ;虽然近年来人们开发和研制出各种新型溶栓剂 ,但溶栓治疗的血管再通率仍低 ,故还应寻找联合其他治疗措施的溶栓方案。
OBJECTIVE:To introduce the research and development of thrombolytic drugs for AMI, and evaluate their clinical efficacy and safety.METHODS: By reviewing literatures about AMI treated with thrombolytic drugs at home and abroad.RESULTS & CONCLUSION:Thrombolysis is still considered as the main method for AMI, but which kind of drugs is better still waiting to be proved. Although various new type thrombolytic drugs have been developmed in recent years, re-unblock rate of the vessel is still lower, so other combined thrombolytic drug therapy should be further found out.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China