目的 了解山东省胸科医院住院肺结核病人的耐药情况 ,以及城市、城镇、城市流动人口及农村居民结核病耐药的差异。方法 调查 1991年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 12月在山东省胸科医院住院治疗痰结核菌培养阳性病人的居民身份 ,并对全部培养阳性菌株进行菌型鉴定及 4种抗结核药物 (INH、SM、RFP、EMB)的耐药性测试。结果 初始耐药率为 17.7% ,城市、城镇、城市流动人口、农村分别为 9.5 % ,13.6 % ,15 .2 %和 2 3.6 %。获得性耐药率为 85 .4 % ,城市、城镇、城市流动人口、农村分别为 77.6 % ,83.9% ,87.5 %和 89.1%。结论 山东省胸科医院住院病人结核病耐药水平从高到低依次为农村、城市流动人口、城镇、城市。应加强农村和流动人口病人的治疗管理。
Objective To investigate resistant situation to anti-TB drugs among in-patients with pulmonary TB in Shandong Thoracic Hospital and the difference of drug resistance among patients from cities,towns and rural area and patients floating to cities.Methods Analysis was conducted on laboratory data concerning Mycobacterial type identification tests and drug resistant tests to INH,SM,RFPand EMB for patients with sputum culture positive pulmonary TB hospitalized in our hospital from 1991 to December 2000.Results The total initial drug resistance rate was 17.7%,9.5%,13.6%,15.2% and 23.6% respectively for patients from cities,towns,other parts floating to cites and rural area. The total acquired drug resistance rate was 85.4%,77.6%,83.9%,87.5% and 89.1% respectively for patients from cites,towns, other parts floating to cites and rural area.Conclusion Resistance to Anti-TB drugs was the highest among rural inpatients of our hospital,and then,the in-patients floating to cites,from towns and cites.
Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis