随着重组DNA技术的不断完善 ,基因工程药物的研制和利用日益增多。与此同时 ,基因工程药物的安全性及其伦理学问题也与日俱增。其主要体现在 :重组DNA试验及大规模产业化过程中病原体的逃逸及其对人体的污染、基因工程药物的安全性、基因治疗的安全性及其伦理问题、基因工程药物与生态伦理及社会伦理、基因工程药物的研究与国际安全、基因工程药物对生物进化的影响等。本文在概述了基因工程药物现状和存在的安全性及伦理问题的基础上 ,提出了与之相应的对策 ,并对所提出的对策进行了初步的理论探讨。
As recombinant DNA technology is consummating increasingly,genetic engineering drug is frequently researched and utilized.Meanwhile,more and more problems about the safety and ethics of genetic engineering drug are exposed.These problems include when we are doing recombinant DNA test and putting it into large-scale industrialization,pathogen may cause pollution to human being,genetic engineering drug may have interfered with the safety of genetic therapy,ethics,zoology ethics,society ethics,international safety,infection of evolution,and so on.In this paper,we bring forward some correspond countermeasures and try to prove the ability in theory.
Chinese Medical Ethics