本文主要介绍了美国的兽医师执照管理情况。包括取得执照的条件及步骤等。中国的兽医行业正处在发展的转轨期 ,而且中国已经加入了WTO ,兽医行业与世界接轨的问题已经是不可回避的现实 ,因此有必要尽快地建立完善的行业规范 ,健全制度 ,保障畜牧业的更加健康发展。这就需要借鉴国外的已有经验 ,结合中国实际 ,使中国的兽医行业尽早实现现代化。
Veterinary licensure system has been in practice in the United States for over a century. It has also been the foundation for licensure procedures in many other countries such as in Europe, Australia, North America, and some Asian countries like Japan, Korea, and regions such as Taiwan. China has joined the WTO in 2002 and its veterinary profession is going to join the world veterinary community and become a member of the world veterinary profession. To facilitate the process of establishing such a system that will ensure the standards be the same as other countries around the world, it is essential that we study the current systems in other countries. This paper introduces the licensure procedures in the United States as an example.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology