
关于宏观植物病理学 被引量:4

Discussion on the Macro-Phytopathology
摘要 宏观植物病理学是植物病害宏观规律和宏观治理策略的研究 ,其研究对象的特点是空间广、时间长和系统层次结构复杂。许多植物病害的宏观问题具有重要的经济价值和理论意义 ,如植物病害的洲际蔓延、新病害的产生、原有病害品种抗病性丧失、病原菌抗药性发展等等。植物病害系统的人为演化日益加速 ,将导致意想不到的新问题出现。不仅需要对现存具体问题继续开展应用研究 ,而且要加强宏观植物病理学的基础研究和教学。这包括许多理论和规律 ,如 :地理植物病理学 ,植物病害系统的演化 ,基因工程生物与植物病害新风险 ,全球气候变化与植物病害宏观演变 ,病害系统超长期预测 ,病害宏观治理的系统模拟、效益评估和治理策略等。植物病理学是个整体 ,分子植物病理学侧重微观 ,宏观植物病理学侧重宏观 ,微宏结合 ,相辅相成 ,如鸟之双翼 。 Macro phytopathology, in terms of objects and purposes,is the study on occurrence pattern and management of plant diseases at a macro scale. The word 'macro' used here has triple meanings, namely broad spatial dimension, long temporal duration and sophisticated hierarchy structure of a plant patho system. Plant disease system in its broader sense is a dynamic system with a hierarchy structure based on an agro eco system of a certain region. Besides natural biotic and abiotic factors, technical, economic and social factors are also included as the driving or environmental factors. Many macro scale issues of plant diseases should be reviewed, studied or discussed. Reviewing the past issues helps one to gain new insights for the future. For example the stories about inter continental migration of many diseases are still full of inspiration. Many existing problems remain to be solved such as the boom and bust cycle of cultivar resistance, fungicide resistance of the pathogen, the super long term system prediction as well as the strategy and decision making for regional disease management. Furthermore, new opportunities and challenges might occur, due to the rapid developing agricultural technology, the broad release of gene modified organisms, the global climate change, and finally, the globalization of technology and economics. Phytopathology, as a discipline, should be viewed with a holistic approach. Micro scale knowledge(MI) and the macro one(MA) are supplement each other . The knowledge in whole is the product of the two: knowledge in whole=MI*MA.
作者 曾士迈
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期3-7,共5页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
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