文章针对我国企业目前管理尚不规范 ,基础数据仍很薄弱的实际情况 ,提出了要实现企业管理信息化 ,首先要在行业信息资源标准化、数据模型标准化和数据挖掘上下工夫。并详细介绍了基于这种思想开发的修船管理信息资源规划 (SR MIRP)。
The author raise the opinion that,faced with current nonstandard management and weakness of basic data in our native enterprises, in order to realize enterprise management infromationization,we should make great efforts to carry out standardziation of industry information resource and standardization of data model ,and to deepen data digging at first. Meanwhile ,the author also introduce in detail the SR MIRP(Ship Repairing Management Information Resource Planning ),which is a set of software developed based upon the above thinking .
China Shiprepair