对5个地点81个自由授粉家系尾叶桉子代测定3a的生长性状进行分析与遗传评估,结果表明:树高、胸径和材积生长量在家系、地点间和家系与地点交互效应上存在极显著的差异。通过选择确定了44、47、50、66、68和88号家系为广谱型优系,同时分别选出了适宜5个试点造林区的优系各5个。测试结果对新会大泽尾叶桉种子园实施良种分类定向供种和留优去劣的遗传间伐提供了依据。若根据广谱型和局地型优系按型分系采种,实施分类定向供种其材积遗传增益为3 37%~10 57%;若对种子园实施留优去劣疏伐,其遗传增益可达6 74%~21 14%。
Eighty one families of Eucalyptus urophylla involved in a fivesite progeny test were analyzed on their growth traits at the age of 3 The increments of tree height, dbh and volume were found to be extremely significant different among families, sites and the effect of family with site interaction. Six excellent families were selected for different afforestation sites, and 5 superior families respectively for Danzhou of Hainan Island, Leizhou, Xinhui, Heyuan, Raoping of Guangdong Province. The results of test provided a basis for directional seed supply and rouging seed orchard. With the selection rate above mentioned, when the seed from superior families were collected for suitable afforestation area,the genetic gain of growth volume was estimated to be 337% ~1057%, if the seed orchard was rouged and these superior families was preserved, the genetic gain of volume would be doubled, amount to be 674%~2114%.
Forest Research