目的 通过初诊会晤,选择13例符合ICD—10精神与行为障碍分类、强迫性障碍诊断标准的病人,采用精神分析了解病人的潜意识心理欲望与动机,分析早期心理创伤经验与日后生活态度。方法 每周2次,每次1小时,在心理治疗室通过自由联想、释梦和解释移情等方式了解病人潜意识中的心理冲突。结果 病人的强迫病理症状显著改善。结论 病人达到宣泄痛苦情感,了解症状的真实意义,从而调整精神活动,建立新的行为模式。
Objective When the doctors first met the patients and chose 13 patients who fit for (ICD-10 mental and behavior disorder classification)anankastic disorder by psychoanalytic therapy. The doctors knew the patients' disire and subconsc-sious. Methods Two times every week,every time one hour in a psychology treating office.let the patients freely associate,set the dreams, freely and remove their feelings,and so on to know the patients' mental fighting in their subconscious. Results The patients' anankastic dirsire will be improved . Conclusion The patients reached to set their sufferings off ,and knew the diseases the true meaning. It can regulate mental activity and set a new action modes.
Health Psychology Journal