
多孔介质强化传热的理论与实验研究 被引量:4

Thoretical and experimental investigation on heat transfer augmentation in porous medium
摘要 本文从理论上分析了绕花丝多孔体 (孔隙率ε>95 % )的管内换热以及流动特性 ,建立贴附多孔层圆管内流体的流动模型。通过用Brinkman extended Darcy方程分析多孔层内流体的流动 ,以及在能量方程中加入弥散系数 ,得到模型内速度场和温度场的理论解。实验结果表明 :在层流范围内其实验数据与理论解吻合较好 ,说明理论模型能够分析多孔体管内的层流流动和换热。通过改进这一模型还可以为各种多孔介质强化管的研究提供理论基础。 A theoretical and experimental investigation of the fluid flow and heat transfer in a tube filled with porous body of high porosity (ε>95%) was carried out. A theoretical model of a circular tube with porous matrix attached at the channel wall and extended inward, toward the centerline was established. Through analyzing the flow in the porous matrix with the Brinkman extended Darcy equation and through including the effect of dispersion by adding the dispersion coefficient into the energy equation, the theoretical solution of velocity distribution and temperature fields were obtained. The experimental results show that relatively good agreement has been found between the theoretical solution and the experimental data in laminar region. This prove that theoretical model can be used to analyze the laminar flow and heat transfer in the tube with porous body, and this model can provide a theoretical basis for various porous enhanced tubes by further refinements and improvements.
出处 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期276-282,共7页 Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics
关键词 多孔介质 强化传热 孔隙率 弥散效应 温度场 heat transfer augmentation porous body porosity dispersion
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