通过模型试验 ,研究了几种助滤剂对常规过滤的影响 .结果表明 :投加适量的助滤剂能在一定程度上改善常规过滤的性能 ,有效减少滤速突变引起的悬浮颗粒穿透 .在所考察的 3种助滤剂中 ,聚丙烯酰胺的助滤效果最佳 ,聚合硫酸铁次之 。
Laboratory-scale experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of some filter aids on the conventional filtration. The results show that filter aids can improve the performance of conventional filtration to a certain extext and degrade breakthrough by quick change of filtration rate effectively. Concerning the effect of the three kinds of filter aids,cationic polyacrylamide is the best,polyferric sulfate is second and polyaluminium chloride is worst.
Journal of Nanhua University(Science & Engineering)