Inmarsat-C是海上卫星通信费用最低,且应用最广泛的通信系统。开发中文界面,传递中文信息,对海上现场救助和海上专家系统具有极大的价值。利用VC++实现基于TAPI的调制解调器编程,使微机通过调制解调器的拨号功能与北京地面站相接,并使用户能通过调制解调器经由用户电话线直接完成陆地方与Inmarsat-C船站间的中文通信。在Windows 2000平台下开发的中文Inmarsat-C陆用控制系统大大缩短了通信时间,节约了大量的通信费用,提高了通信效率。
Inmarsat-C is the most widely used maritime satellites communication system with the lowest cost. Developing Chinese interface and transmitting information in Chinese is of tremendous value to spot rescue and maritime expertis system. This paper focuses on how to realize the TAPI-based programming utilizing VC++, connect the computer with the Beijing CES through modem dial-up service and realize the Chinese communication between land and Inmarsat-C SES through users?telephone wire and modem. Developing Inmarsat-C Chinese communication system on land under Windows 2000 can not only greatly cut communication time but also reduce communication fee and raise communication efficiency.
World Shipping