“夫妻看黄碟”案终于得到令人庆幸的结果 ,它让我们思考案件暴露的各方面问题。侦查权的行使大多与公民的各种权益相关 ,如果缺乏必要的监督程序 ,侦查权就有可能被滥用而侵犯公民的各种权利。以检察监督为主的侦查权控制方式主要是“事后控制” ,在司法实践中产生了不少弊端。我国应建立刑事令状主义规则 ,以司法权监督侦查权 ,使之具有一定“诉讼”性质。
The case of obscene VCD has been solved with rejo ic e, it lets us think some aspects it revealed. The exercise of investigation power relates to citizens' rights and interests of all kinds. Without necessary procedural guarantee measures, investigation power may be abused and citizens' r ights may be invaded thereby. Many defects exist in the afterward controlling wa y of investigation power which focuses on inspection and supervision. In China, criminal warrant system of judicial control over investigation power should be c onstructed.
Journal of Anhui Electric Power College for Staff