澳大利亚著名作家伊莉沙白·乔莉在《帕克先生的情人卡》中 ,融合了现实主义文学和现代主义文学的特征 ,既赋予了作品较强可读性 ,又使作品具有较强的文学深度。伊莉沙白·乔莉凭借大量的生活积淀 ,吸取了各个流派所长 ,结合自己的写作技巧 ,通过对三个主要人物的刻画 ,揭示出“异国文化”与“本土文化”在各自理想的追求和价值观上产生的矛盾纷争 。
Elizabeth Jolley, a famous Australian write r, combines realistic and modernized writing style into her novel Mr.Park' s Love Card, which makes her novel both readable and having a deep l iterary depth. Elizabeth Jolley depends on her life experience, takes in other s orts of schools, and combines them with her writing techniques. Through descri bing three major characters, she shows the contradictory conflicts in pursuit of ideal and values between foreign culture and native culture. She expresses th e general problems in immigating society.
Journal of Anhui Electric Power College for Staff