针对目前采用小模板拼装衬砌施工的隧道普遍存在错台这一问题 ,介绍能有效控制衬砌板间错台的施工技术和方法 ;施工中通过改造模板结构 ,增加木楔与模板间受力面积 ,从而有效地将板间错台控制在 2mm内 ,获得较为理想的效果 。
Aiming at dislocation of forms, which is a common situation during placement of small forms in lining construction of tunnels, this paper introduces the construction technologies and methods for efficiently controlling dislocation of forms for lining. The dislocation of forms is controlled within 2mm during construction through improving form structure, increasing load area between wooden keys and forms. Results show they are ideal technologies and methods and can be available for reference.
Technology of Highway and Transport