为满足材料应用、研究人员对数据获取的需要,一个关系型数据库——新材料数据系统已得到初步的开发。本文介绍了新材料数据系统的概况和内容以及 ORACLE 关系型数据库管理系统在其中应用的一些关键性技术问题。
In view of the vast amount of ex- perimental data emerged in the fast-changing field of materials sciences and technology,with the in- creasing power of modern computers,a materials data system has become an indispensable necessity. In this paper,the development of a computeried ma- terials data system,which is a key project in China, is summarized.Attention is given to two important aspects:(1)the database format;(Ⅱ)the applica- tion of ORACLE DBMS and the capabilities of the software system,The system covers a broad range of data including metals,ceramics,polymers,com- posites and amorphous materials.The data are both organized for direct application by the user in mate- rials selection and materials designation.
Machinery & Electronics